This architecture is really as cloud native as is possible, it encourages the immutable execution servers paradigm that means both execution server itself and all KJARs should be colocated and included in the image itself (with all dependencies). That way any example of that service (irrespective when it begins) will be identical.
It then uses Managed Smart Router to benefits from routing and aggregation. Smart Router will dynamically revise Controller with new storage containers to arrive so Admin Console can properly setup clients to connect to it. In this architecture customers interact with KIE Servers always via Smart Router – either by using Admin Console and its own runtime views or by another program.
Individual KIE Servers can come and go at anytime and sign-up/unregister in the Smart Router. These KIE Servers may be with the same id – meaning representing the same image or different images. In this case (since images are immutable) they’ll represent other group of kjars. Immutable maintained architecture is small deviation of the first architecture though all KIE Servers are handled by controller thus Smart Router is then optional component as users can access individual KIE Servers directly as they are managed.
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Smart Router is necessary when customers should be able to take a look at all KIE Servers at once rather than grouped by server template. The images are immutable still, meaning they include KJARs that needs to be running, however the final term what set of KJARs (included in the image) should be started has controller. That is to secure that both Admin KIE and Gaming console Server have same group of KIE Containers defined.
In practice, this structures requires additional step in the deployment (as part of the deployment pipeline) to create immutable server template in the controller that would match kjars included in the image. Major reason for this is to protect the Admin Console from being affected by wrong image hooking up with template identification that it should not.
So Admin Console completely depends on the controller configuration rather than runtime. With this architecture, users may use both router or individual KIE Servers to interact with their capabilities. Same rules apply for first architecture as it pertains to KIE Server images and their instances. Whenever new instance of the KIE Server begins it sign-up itself in the controller and optionally in the Smart Router.
Another architecture moves into another path, instead of making the images immutable it stimulates the dynamic behavior of KIE Server. KIE Server means that the image is without any KJARs included, it’s 100 % pure KIE Server runtime that whenever started has nothing deployed to it. With managed capabilities, controller can dynamically instruct KIE Servers what needs to be deployed. So the additional deployment step (such as architecture 2) can be utilized.